Fighting for Premium Cigars and Pipe Tobacco in Maryland.

Who We Are

The Premium Cigar Association of Maryland (PCRAM) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(6) association of premium cigar and pipe tobacco shop owners who fight any tax or restriction on the premium tobacco products you enjoy.

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Friends of PCRAM

By becoming a friend of PCRAM, you will be helping small business cigar shops fight taxes on the cigars you enjoy. We very much appreciate and encourage your participation in this grass roots effort to improve and maintain a climate that is beneficial and friendly not only to our industry but to our consumers as well.

Friends of PCRAM may make contributions in any amount over $25.00.


Retail Membership Eligibility

Eligible businesses are those that can commonly be described as Tobacconists, Cigar Stores, Cigar Bars, Smoke Shops etc. and whose primary business function is the sale of Premium Cigars and Other Tobacco Products to the retail consumer.

Retail Tobacconist Annual Membership Fee: $500.00.

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Manufacturer Member Eligibility

Manufacturers & Distributors are those businesses / individuals who supply Premium Cigars and Other Tobacco Products to retail establishments. Such distributors, having a vested interest in the vitality and success of the industry are eligible for membership in the PCRAM.

Manufacturers & Distributors Annual Membership Fee: $250.00.


Thank you to all the donors and sponsors for making our first annual Maryland Premium Cigar online silent auction a success.

Stay tuned for future events.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.